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Hallo, René! Selbst die Fauchi- Cam ist seit längerer Zeit stumm und von SpaceCarver hören wir auch nichts mehr. during extremely clear weather (image: Emanuela Carone / VolcanoDiscovery Italia)Ash emissions from Etna this morning from Bocca Nuova visible in backgroun, with the SE crater in front (image: LAVE webcam)Aerial view of Etna on 22 Jan 2019 showing the ash plume from the NE crater, view from the westEarthquakes under Etna volcano during the past 7 daysHeat emission from Etna during the past weeks (image: Modis / MIROVA)Seismic signal of this night's quake under Etna (image: INGV Catania)Ash emissions from Etna volcano yesterday (image: Boris Behncke / facebook)Maps showing the displacements during the 24-26 Dec eruption and seismic crisis (image: CNR)Ash emissions from Etna volcano yesterday (image: Emanuela Carone / VolcanoDiscovery Italia)Location of recent earthquakes under Mt Etna volcano during the past 7 days (red: past 48 hours)Steam and ash emissions from Etna volcano yesterday (image: Emanuela Carone / VolcanoDiscovery Italia)Steam and ash emissions from Etna volcano yesterday (image: Emanuela Carone / VolcanoDiscovery Italia)Tall steam and ash plume rising from Etna's Bocca Nuova (GuidEtna webcam)craterCurrent tremor amplitude showing a gradual decreaseAerial view of the western headwall of Valle del Bove and crater area from the east, showing the now almost inactive eruptive fissure from the 24 Dec eruption (image: INGV)Map of earthquakes around Etna during 24-26 Dec 2018, the M4.8 event from 03:19 on 26 Dec marked in blue (image: INGV)Earthquakes under Etna volcano during the past 7 daysThermal image of Etna this evening seen from the west (image: INGV thermal webcam in Bronte)An impression from what it looked like yesterday when Barbara, a friend of ours from Stromboli, was en route from Catania to Milazzo, passing the ash plume (image: Barbara Engele)Ash emissions from Etna at the onset of the eruption (image: Emanuela Carone / VolcanoDiscovery Italia)Eruption of new lava flow from Etna this afternoon (image: LAVE webcam)Location of the magnitude 4 quake earlier today under Etna volcanoView from Catania showing the ash plume from the ongoing eruption (image: Etna Tech webcam 1)Thermal image of the new lava flow in the upper Valle del Bove on Etna's eastern flank (image: INGV Catania webcam)Current seismic signal from ESVO station (image: INGV Catania)Lava flow from eastern foot of New SE crater into Valle del Bove (INGV thermal webcam on Monte Cagliato, looking from the east towards the upper Valle del Bove))Seismic signal from Etna's ECNE station (INGV Catania)Ash emissions on 24 Dec 2018 around noon (image: Emanuela Carone / VolcanoDiscovery Italy)Ash emissions from Etna's New SE crater on 24 Dec 2018 around noon (image: Emanuela Carone / VolcanoDiscovery Italy)View of the ongoing activity from Paterno (western side; image: Radio Touring Webcam)Strombolian activity from Etna's New SE crater last night (image: Emanuela Carone / VolcanoDiscovery Italy)Strong ash emissions from the New SE crater now (image: INGV Catania)Lava flows and strombolian activity at Etna's New SE crater this evening (image: Tom Pfeiffer / VolcanoDiscovery)Ash emission from Etna's NE crater on 30 Sep 2018 (image: Emanuela Carone / VolcanoDiscovery Italia)Map of Etna's summit craters at present (image: INGV)Strombolian eruption in Bocca Nuova on 30 Sep 2018 (image: Emanuela Carone / VolcanoDiscovery Italia)A new vent with strong degassing opened in Bocca Nuova a few days ago, discovered on 30 Sep via our guide's infrared camera (image: Emanuela Carone / VolcanoDiscovery Italia)Strombolian Activity from the SE crater (photo: Emanuela / VolcanoDiscovery Italy)Strombolian activity from Etna's SE crater last night (LAVE webcam)Ash plume from an explosion at the SE crater this morningSteam ring blown from Etna's Voragine crater this morning (image:Radiostudio7 webcam)Bocca Nuova with its collapsing crater floor on 13 July 2017 (image: Gio Giusa / facebook)Small ash puff from the SE crater on 9 July (image: Boris Behncke / facebook)Ash puff from Etna's SE crater this morning (image: RadioStudio7)Stronger ash emission yesterday morning (image: RadioStudio7)Strombolian activity at the SE crater's saddle vent and the peaks of tremor accompanying each short-lived episode (image: Boris Behncke / INGV Catania)The two lava flows from the SE crater during the night 26-27 April 2017The first lava flow on the southern side of the SE crater and lava fountaining at the vent in the early hours of 27 AprilSteam from a melt-water avalanche on the northern lava flow in the morning of 27 AprilVideos taken during our volcano expeditions and tours, showing eruptions, volcanic phenomena and more. Saturday Aug 01, 2020 15:19 PM | VON: MARTIN. Das chunt scho guet Dani.SpaceCarver solltest du es lesen, wünsche ich dir .......... meine oma sagte immer kopf hoch auch wen der hals schmutzig ist fühle dich lieb gedrückt von miSigita, ich habe gerade dein Foto vom 31.03. entdeckt.

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