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Read this page to learn about the boss' attacks and the suggested ways to weaken it. Fires 7 or 14 projectiles in a biohazard symbol pattern. It can only be obtained from GenIVIV in Voracious Canopy on Eden-6 while playing on Mayhem level 6 or above. Article Menu

That checkpoint will now function as a spawn point.

GeniVIV is a respawnable boss encountered in Borderlands 3. Since Bosses respawn, they are farmable.
Please be advised that we may not reply to every individual feedbacks. This portion of our Wiki Guide will detail some of our best tips, tricks, and strategies for defeating GenIVIV during the chapter 14 mission, With BALEX's help, defeat GenIVIV to get the Vault Key Fragment. GenIVIV is an enemy that you encounter that is similar to a boss and already considered to be one due to the complexity of the fight with her which takes place during the mission called She is an AI that has uploaded herself into an advanced Maliwan mech which she will use to prevent you from obtaining the vault key fragment during the mission.GenIVIV is all offense with only a tiny amount of defense and you can easily kill her by dishing out the right damage against her.She will attempt to spam her attacks and cause a lot of multiple sources of damage to be present in the room which you can shoot at or evade.Using shock weapons to deplete her shields and corrosive weapons for her armor can quickly make the battle end.GenIVIV is not that tough when it comes to her health and shields but she can dish out a lot of damage if you get careless.Aim to get rid of anything that she throws or summons to avoid getting overwhelmed by the multiple sources of damage that are present.GenIVIV’s weak spot is around her torso between where her chest and thighs are which is visually shown by a bit of less armored material.Shooting repeatedly on at her weak spot can cause her to stagger and dealing enough damage can cause her to completely be stunned for a few seconds.GenIVIV can create shields that can block your projectiles but they do not last long if you fire at them which is shown by the color changing from green to red when they are about to break.GenIVIV’s main attack is her usage of disc-like projectiles which she fires in a burst-fire pattern which can hit you at a great distance.This can be evaded by simply moving to the side as the projectiles take quite some time to travel.GenIVIV summons drone-like floating objects which will position themselves at first and begin firing at you once a few seconds go by.These can be destroyed by shooting them and after a basic amount of damage is dealt, they will be destroyed.You will have to destroy each of them or else they will keep firing at you.GenIVIV releases a projectile which will continue to bounce until it collides with you or something else, dealing area damage where it makes impact.These can also be shot at or simply dodge but it is important to always watch out since a lot of these may exist at a time which can make the fight very difficult.While dashing around, GenIVIV may hit you with any of her attacks and may use this to reposition herself or to set up shields later on to block your projectiles.She is quite vulnerable while doing this so be sure to take advantage and fire at her while she is dashing around the area.With a chance to drop uncommon to rare equipment, GenIVIV has a good chance of dropping a the “Echo-Shelter Messy Breakup” shield mod.Michael James has been an avid gamer since he was young. Tips, Tricks, and Strategies for Defeating GenIVIV in Borderlands 3. Marvel's Avengers THE WORST BOSS FIGHT IN BORDERLANDS 3 (Billy The Anointed Boss Fight) - RAGE DREAMZ TAKES ON BILLY! Borderlands 3.

*Click on the Crew Challenge to go to the full list.A backwater swampland of a planet, and family home of the Jakobs clan. 6:05. Find out more information regarding the different areas & locations with this guide.

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