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On behalf of all our WTKF members we would like to express our gratitude for the hard job. 10. To plan your arrival, the … 08. Copyright © 2015 - www.shotokan-karate-saarwellingen.de -
- 08.März 2020 - Deutsche Meisterschaft LK in Hamburg. Januar 2020- Rhein Shiai Turnier Nürburgring07. Friday, October 16, 2020 Sunday, October 18, 2020 SLOVAKIA OPEN 2020 BRATISLAVA, Slovakia. at the Tournament Office at least by March 6, 2020, one day before the competition. 07. Sensei Pawel Chernousov from Russia was in charge of the judges with a big support of Sensei Anna Kulczynska to set all competition areas. Mai 2020 - SEN5 Rhein Shiai e-Kumite-Challenge (Online-Turnier)06. 14. März 2020 - Kinderlehrgang mit Marcus Gutzmer in Orscholz28. Participants from Russia, Brazil and Uruguay were also shearing their experience during the competition. Our first Int. All information will be published into our web : www.wtkfederation.org . Januar 2020- Rhein Shiai Turnier Nürburgring07. Number of starts is reduced to 600, The award ceremonies will take place as soon as possible after the end of the category, throughout the day. The categories are max. März 2020 - Kinderlehrgang mit Marcus Gutzmer in Orscholz.
Due to the unstable epidemiological situation in the world and in Russia and on the recommendation of the WTKF governing authorities we have to postpone our tournament, which was planned for April 16th / 19th, to a later date. September 2020 - INTERNATIONAL BANZAI CUP Berlin16. - 10. 2020 Yoshida Cup International Karate Championship will CANCEL for this year due to current health safety concerns. May 31st will be the second year of the tragic accident of Witold Kwieciński (Witek). Other Items Tickets Timetable. And, most importantly, treat this circumstance beyond our control with understanding. Clubs arriving on the day of the competition may pay upon arrival.Here you will find quick access buttons so you can contact To Mr. Pawel Kasperkiewicz President of the Organizing Committee of Wratislavia Cup 2020 Dolnośląska Akademia Karate we Wrocławiu Dear Mr. Kasperkiewicz, On behalf of the World Traditional Karate-Do Federation congratulations to the organizing committee if the Wratislavia Cup 2020 at the city of Wroclaw. Karate Female Team Kata Bronze Medal - Serbia vs Italy - WKF World Championships Belgrade 2010 (1/2) - Duration: 7:01. 175 likes. Please read the attached letter. März 2020 - … Juni 2020 - e-Tournament Samurai Challenge Strassen12. 13. 07.
Photos Russian Open Junior Cup 2019 . März online gestellt. Press Registration . Amsterdam e-Karate Cup, sponsored by Hayashi, has come to an end.
World class karate seminars, competition, and friendship hosted by Junki Yoshida Sensei with … Sunday, November 29, 2020 2020 GB OPEN KARATE CHAMPIONSHIPS- Round 4 Walsall, England. Mai 2020 - SEN5 Rhein Shiai e-Kumite-Challenge (Online-Turnier)06. In the short time since this post, the … Please enable JavaScript support!um das statt finden und den Ablauf des WW Cups möglichst sicher zu stellen, haben wir einige Änderungen vorgenommen.die Siegerehrungen werden über den ganzen Tag möglichst Zeitnah nach Beendigung der Kategorie statt finden.Zur Planung Ihrer Anreise wird der Zeitplan am 25.
10. Bericht. März 2020 - Kinderlehrgang mit Marcus Gutzmer in Orscholz. Witold Kwieciński 1985 - 2018 Thanks PUKT for the photoOfficial statement by the organizers of the international tournament "Kumite Evolution 4", Sports club "Fudo-Jitsu", Irkutsk Dear friends and colleagues!
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